Webfeud rules

The Game

Two players play in any game of Webfeud. The objective of the game is to score more points than your opponent. Points are awarded by placing words on the game board. Letters vary in value per language. The best score is made with longer words or letters with more points and thus playing words with higher scoring letter combinations.

The Gameboard

A Webfeud game board is made of up cells in a square grid of 15x15 cells. Some cells have a letter and a number on them. These are bonus/multiplier cells. Bonus cells accumulate tile values and generate high scoring words. The bonus cells are:
L2 - The score of a tile on this cell is multiplied by 2
L3 - The score of a tile on this cell is multiplied by 3
W2 - The total score of a played word is multiplied by 2
W3 - The total score of a played word is multiplied by 3
Please note that once used, a bonus cell does not give another bonus when used in a new word.


Webfeud is played with approximately 100 tiles. The number of tiles depends on the selected language. There are either 2 or 4 blank tiles. The blank tiles are wildcards and can be used for any letter in the alphabet of the selected language. While the letter tiles have distinct point values, blank tiles do not give any points.

The Game Starts

Each player gets seven tiles at the beginning of the game. When it is your turn, you have four options:
1 - Play a word
2 - Pass this round
3 - Swap tiles
4 - Resign the game

Playing a word

Words are placed on the game board by dragging tiles onto it. The first word should have a tile on the center cell, which is marked with a green star. You can choose any of the tiles you play in the first word to cover the center cell. Words that are placed after the first should either use a tile from the first word, or match up against any word already played. Placing tiles should be done in a straight line. All tiles played should be aligned to other (already placed) tiles.

Pass this round

If you pass, you give up your turn and allow your opponent to go next. After three consecutive passes, the game ends.

Swap tiles

Swapping tiles means that a player exchanges one or more tiles from the rack with tiles from the bag. When a players swaps, this will end the turn. Swapping will first add the tiles to be swapped to the bag. After this, the same number of tiles is taken from the bag and put on the rack. Note that a tile that was meant to be swapped can be given back!

Resign the game

Resigning means that you give up. Your opponent wins.

Other bonusses

Whenever a player plays all seven tiles in one turn, a bonus of 30 points is awarded.

The End of a Game

When all of the tiles have been taken from the bag and one player has used all of the tiles on his or her rack, the game ends. At this point, the player who has tiles on the rack gets the total number of points on these tiles subtracted from his or her total score. The value is then added to the player who played the last tile. After this, the highest score determines the winner of the game.